Who is Corey Strong and How will he Put Memphis and the District Back on the Map?

Local & National News | April 12, 2024

Who is Corey Strong and How will he Put Memphis and the District Back on the Map?
Local & National News | April 12, 2024
To outplay Steve Cohen in the race for Congress, Corey Strong must focus on his unique qualifications and the issues that resonate with the district's residents.

Corey Strong's campaign for Congress in Tennessee's 9th District is not just about winning an election; it's about transforming TN-09 into a thriving, vibrant community that stands as a testament to what can be achieved through dedication, vision, and collective action. As he runs against the incumbent, Steve Cohen, Strong must outplay his opponent to secure the position and make a difference in the district. In this article, we will explore Corey Strong's background, campaign goals, strategies, and how he plans to outplay Steve Cohen in the race for Congress.


Corey Strong is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and served as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy for eight years, with deployments to the Persian Gulf, the Pacific Rim, South America, and two tours in Afghanistan. He also holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Memphis and an MBA from San Diego State University. Strong's military experience has not only honed his leadership skills but also given him a global perspective on the challenges facing Tennessee's 9th District.

Campaign Goals:

Corey Strong's campaign is centered around the theme "Putting Memphis and the District Back on the Map." His goals include addressing the persistent issues of crime, poverty, and urban decay in Tennessee's 9th Congressional District. Strong's multifaceted approach includes attracting industry, expanding infrastructure, and educating the local workforce to foster economic growth and community development.

Key Issues:

The key issues that Strong's campaign aims to tackle are high crime rates, economic disparity, and educational inequities within the district. His approach is to create real opportunities for the district's residents by promoting TN-09's exceptional qualities for government funding and private investment, expanding access to transportation, healthcare, and digital connectivity, and advocating for the district in Washington, D.C. to ensure it receives the resources and attention it deserves.

Campaign Strategy:

Strong's campaign strategy involves leveraging his global experience and leadership skills to advocate for sustainable development and community empowerment. He emphasizes the importance of education and workforce development, infrastructure expansion, and advocating for TN-09 in Washington, D.C. to ensure the district receives the resources and attention it deserves.

Outplaying Steve Cohen:

To outplay Steve Cohen in the race for Congress, Corey Strong must focus on his unique qualifications and the issues that resonate with the district's residents. Some key strategies he can employ include:

  1. Highlighting his military background: Strong's military experience gives him a unique perspective on leadership and problem-solving that can appeal to voters in the district. He should emphasize how his experience in the U.S. Navy has prepared him to tackle the challenges facing TN-09.
  2. Focusing on local issues: While Cohen has been in office for several terms, Strong can emphasize his deep connections to the district and his commitment to addressing the specific issues that matter most to the community. This can include crime, poverty, and education, which are key concerns for many residents.
  3. Leveraging his education and business background: Strong's Juris Doctor degree and MBA can be used to demonstrate his understanding of policy and the economy. He should highlight how his education and business experience can help him advocate for the district in Congress.
  4. Engaging with the community: Strong should make an effort to engage with the community and listen to their concerns. This can help him build a strong grassroots campaign and show voters that he is genuinely invested in their well-being.

Corey Strong's campaign for Congress is not just about winning an election; it's about transforming TN-09 into a thriving, vibrant community that stands as a testament to what can be achieved through dedication, vision, and collective action. By focusing on his unique qualifications and the issues that matter most to the district's residents, Strong can outplay Steve Cohen and make a difference in the lives of the people of TN-09.

Learn more about Corey 4 Congress

Corey 4 Congress

Corey Strong is qualified
to put Memphis and the 9th district back on the map

Corey 4 Congress

Corey Strong is qualified
to put Memphis and the 9th district back on the map


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