Ed Harris's Guide to Picking the Perfect Diamond for Your Bride
JustMyWeddings | November 13, 2023
The first step in choosing the perfect diamond is understanding your partner's preference

Ed Harris, a renowned jeweler based in Memphis, Tennessee, is here to guide you through the exciting journey of choosing the perfect diamond for your bride. This guide aims to be educational, fun, and most importantly, helpful in making your decision. 

Understand Your Partner's Preference

The first step in choosing the perfect diamond is understanding your partner's preference. Pay attention to the kind of jewelry she wears. Is it vintage or modern? Her fashion choices can also provide hints about her preferences.

The Four C's of Diamonds

When choosing a diamond, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the four C's: color, clarity, carat, and cut. These characteristics are graded by independent laboratories such as GIA or AGS using standardized scales and specialized criteria.

Shape and Setting

The shape of the diamond is another important factor to consider. You should choose a shape that matches the personality and preference of your partner. For example, a round or princess shape offers a classic and timeless look, while a pear or heart shape provides a more romantic, feminine look.

The setting of the ring is also crucial. It refers to how the diamond is placed on the ring. Some popular settings include prong, bezel, and halo.


Setting a budget is a practical step in the diamond selection process. Diamonds can range in price significantly, so having a budget will help guide your decision and keep you focused on options within your price range.

Shop Around

Don't rush the process. Take your time to shop around, compare different styles, and understand the return policies of different jewelers. If possible, see the diamonds in person to appreciate their true beauty.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the perfect diamond for your bride is a personal and significant decision. It should be a fun, exciting, and educational experience. Remember, the diamond you choose will symbolize your love and commitment, so take your time, do your research, and choose a diamond that you and your partner will cherish forever.

Learn more about Ed Harris Jewelry

Ed Harris Jewelry

Established 2007 | Open for Appointments Only!

Ed Harris Jewelry

Established 2007 | Open for Appointments Only!


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